Laser Hair Loss Treatments

Laser technology has been the buzz word of the century with medical professionals as well as individuals experiencing hair loss discussing the effectiveness of laser hair loss treatment. Some industry specialists have thrown their weight behind the treatment, predicting that it will squarely do away with balding issues and thinning hair. This has especially been the case after it was cleared by the FDA.

While the exact process by which laser energy encourages hair growth and restoration is not known, laser light seems to re-energize the follicles on the scalp, improve the blood supply and therefore ensuring the cells get all the nutrients they need. Enabling this blood and nutritional infusion to take place more efficiently results in higher cellular productivity and re-generation, reducing the gaps between hair shafts and giving the user a "fuller" look.

Since its inception, laser technology has been used to cure and restore human tissue destroyed through burns and other trauma or ailments. It is a relatively painless treatment. Ever since 1992, when Pontinen, a physician, submitted a written report citing the possibility of using low levels of laser energy to curb hair loss and stimulate hair growth, the use of laser energy has grown and continues to spread in leaps and bounds.

When applied to hair loss treatment, laser energy has been known to increase general hair quality, stimulate hair growth and develop larger hair shafts. The laser energy employed in laser hair loss treatment is much less intense than the energy level of lasers that cut or burn tissue. The lasers in this case, have a much lower energy intensity and can provide the much needed impetus to reverse the hair loss process.

Various products are now available in the market,  for example, the Hair Max laser comb. It is used like a regular comb but possesses wide-spaced bristles that part the hairs to allow a deeper and clearer penetration of scalp tissue.  Delivery of the laser energy to the follicles beneath the scalp is the key element in revitalizing hair growth.

The results of the laser comb have been varied. Some people claim that they have been able to regrow previously lost hair with its use, while others report no viable hair growth. Although the FDA has not approved the laser comb for general use, they have cleared it as being safe when used according to manufacturer’s directions.

Some professionals in the industry believe that the laser hair loss treatment is overrated and is consequently being used to raise the expectations of users. Some say since laser treatment has no known side effects, the user's greatest risk, is his or her money.  Still others are excited by the technology and believe it will be a valuable tool in conjunction with vitamin supplementation to combat hair loss.  Only time will tell.

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